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Thomas Aquinas College’s Parent Day of Giving began with an ambitious goal — to raise $300,000 for student financial aid — and almost fell short of attaining it. But TAC parents and grandparents, past and present, came through in the end.

“I had serious doubts that we would make it,” admits Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly, the College’s vice president for advancement and its president-elect. “Last night, we were tens of thousands of dollars short, which was not entirely surprising, given the size of the goal and the state of the economy. It’s a remarkable testament to the gratitude and devotion of our parents that we reached the goal by midnight.”

The Day of Giving — centered around May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, but not actually held on that date, which fell on a Sunday this year — began with a $75,000 lead matching gift from a member of the College’s Board of Governors, Dr. Thomas Krause, and his wife, Cathryn. Several other, anonymous benefactors also made matching gifts, for a total of $150,000.

“The Krauses, who are themselves the parents of an alumna, really set the tone for the event, inspiring fellow parents to generosity,” says. Dr. O’Reilly. “And another member of our board, Chairman Scott Turicchi, and his wife, Lannette — parents of a junior on the California campus — were heroic as well. In the day’s final hours, the Turicchis made a very generous gift of $10,000, which inspired another TAC parent to make a $25,000 gift in honor of our beloved and retired chaplain, Rev. Cornelius M. Buckley, S.J.”

In total, TAC parents made some 215 gifts, which, combined with matching gifts, totaled $319,407. “To meet our goal, and then exceed it, was a wonderful blessing,” says Dr. O’Reilly. “We are heartened by the trust parents afford the College, not only by sending their children here, but also through their sacrificial gifts — on top of tuition — that continue long after graduation. We pray that we can continue to earn that trust by a providing a truly excellent Catholic liberal education that is faithful to the teachings of the Church and draws upon the treasures of her intellectual tradition.”