New England

On the eve of New England Commencement 2024, Thomas Aquinas College President Paul J. O’Reilly hosted a late-afternoon reception for members of the Senior Class and their parents in the Bl. Frassati Student Center.

Student servers passed cheese platters and hors d’oeuvres as parents visited with the tutors and friends who have played a significant role in shaping their children’s academic, social, and spiritual lives these last four years.

Photos: President’s Reception
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Afterward, the TAC Parents’ and Alumni Associations jointly hosted a New England Seafood Dinner for graduates and their families on the Gould Lawn. Tables were full as guests enjoyed fish tacos, shellfish, and gnocchi with families and friends. Dr. O’Reilly, a member of the Class of 1984 and the College’s first alumnus president, saluted the College’s soon-to-be newest alumni, the members of the Class of 2024. Then, Chairman of the Board of Governors Scott Turicchi welcomed the assembled mothers and fathers and thanked fellow members of the Board for their efforts on behalf of the College.

In conclusion, Mr. Turicchi welcomed the night’s guest of honor, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect Emeritus of the Apostolic Signatura and the 2024 New England Commencement Speaker. As a special gift, Hélène (Augros ’92) Froula — a TAC alumna, mom, and sacristan — gifted His Eminence with a chalice pall bearing his coat of arms:


Mrs. Froula and Cardinal Burke


Mr. Turicchi additionally presented the Cardinal with the gift of several books, while parents left with some reading material of their own: bound copies of their children’s Senior Theses, courtesy of the Parents’ and Alumni Associations.

Photos: Seafood Dinner
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