Dillon Tuliau (CA’24)
Dillon Tuliau (CA’24)


By Dillon Tuliau (CA’24)


Dear Mom and Dad,

Coming here as a freshman four years ago took a huge leap of faith — on my part and yours.

After my high school permanently closed its doors at the end my junior year, our plans for the future changed dramatically. I could scramble, take some summer classes, and graduate early, but then what? Plenty of people from St. Michael’s recommended Thomas Aquinas College, but we had some reservations.

“Devotion to community life, meaningful conversation, and hearty laughter are integral both in our culture and at TAC.”

For one thing, we had no family ties to the College, which was a bit daunting for us, considering how close-knit the TAC community is. Further, I had grown up surrounded by our Samoan culture, and there was no Samoan community here. I was still not quite 17 years old, and TAC just didn’t seem like a good option.

Visiting the College, however, changed my mind. I remember sitting in on a Sophomore Philosophy class and being struck with wonder. The students were engaged in the conversation, interested in the text — and happy to be there. That same joyful presence was everywhere. The students and faculty were so genuinely kind and welcoming. The campus was gorgeous. I wanted to experience it for myself.

So, I took the risk of leaving the community I knew and loved to come here, and you took the risk of letting me go. I can never thank you enough for the trust you put in me from the very beginning.

Still, choosing TAC was a hard decision. We were unclear about what sort of career I could hope to achieve with a liberal arts degree. Paying for tuition wouldn’t be easy. And being in a new cultural environment would have its challenges. Yet despite all this uncertainty, you helped me navigate career options, living apart from our family, and the maze known as FAFSA. Your trust, love, and sacrifice made my time at TAC possible.

Since then, all those fears and reservations have been far outweighed by the blessings I have received. Fostering the intellectual life and working through the curriculum has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I have discovered a love for studying language, which I now see as a beautiful medium for personal connection and a fascinating lens into people’s hearts and minds. I would like to dedicate my life’s work to studying it further.

Pursuing wisdom at the College has been especially transformative because I have been able to do it alongside some of my best friends. The friendship and community I have found here have been a real font of joy and love. In small ways, it reminds me of the Samoan culture I thought I would have to live without: Devotion to community life, meaningful conversation, and hearty laughter are integral both in our culture and at TAC.

I have grown immensely in my spiritual life, too. Through conversations with friends and hours in the Chapel, I have found a true appreciation of Catholic liturgy, art, music, and culture. I have a newfound awe for God’s wisdom since encountering Him in Scripture and in the writings of Augustine and Aquinas. By experiencing true friendship aimed at growing in virtue, I have felt the love of God in a way I have never known before.

Thank you so much for the gift of a TAC education. All of the beautiful, life-changing experiences I have had here would have been impossible without your constant love and support. I can’t wait to have you and the rest of the family on campus for my thesis defense and Commencement!

Ma le alofa,