
National Catholic Register

The National Catholic Register has selected Thomas Aquinas College as one of only 39 “faithfully Catholic colleges and universities” included in its Catholic Identity College Guide 2015 (PDF). The guide is based on the schools’ responses to 10 questions which, the Register explains, are designed such that “a ‘YES’ answer reflects essential elements of the renewal of Catholic identity called for by Pope St. John Paul II’s 1990 apostolic constitution on higher education, Ex Corde Ecclesiae (From the Heart of the Church), its 2000 ‘Application to the United States,’ canon law and other relevant Church documents.”

Below are Thomas Aquinas College’s responses to all 10 questions, with links to additional information where available.

  1. Did the president make the public “Profession of Faith” and take the “Oath of Fidelity”? Yes.
  2. Is the majority of the board of trustees Catholic? Yes.
  3. Is the majority of the faculty Catholic? Yes.
  4. Do you publicly require all Catholic theology professors to have the mandatum? Yes.
  5. Did all Catholic theology professors take the“Oath of Fidelity”? Yes.
  6. Do you provide daily Mass and posted times (at least weekly) for individual confession? Yes.
  7. Do you exclude advocates of abortion, euthanasia, cloning or the redefinition of marriage as commencement speakers or recipients of honorary degrees? Yes.
  8. Do you exclude sponsoring campus groups and clubs that are not in line with Catholic teaching (examples: abortion- and LGBT-related clubs). Yes.
  9. Do you exclude coed dorms? Yes.
  10. Do your student health services exclude referrals to abortion businesses? Yes.