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Irene GrimmPlease pray for the repose of the soul of Irene Grimm, who passed early this morning, as well as for the consolation of the Grimm family — three generations of whom have not only attended Thomas Aquinas College, but have played a vital role in establishing its culture, fostering its spirit, and populating its choirs.

Mrs. Grimm and her late husband, Bill, could fairly be called the “parents of Thomas Aquinas College.” Two of their 17 children were in the first graduating class, and 12 more would follow. They are also the grandparents of 57 alumni and 11 current students, as well as the great-grandparents of 4 current students. Two of their sons — Dan (’76) and Stephen (’75) — serve as directors of the Thomas Aquinas College Choir in California and New England, respectively.

“It’s hard to imagine what Thomas Aquinas College would be without Irene and Bill Grimm — or, for that matter, what the Grimm Family would look like today without the College, so inextricably have the two been connected these last 50 years,” says President Paul J. O’Reilly (’84). “We thank God for Irene’s life, for the beautiful family she mothered, and for the enduring mark she has left on this community. Please join us in praying for the repose of her soul, as well as for the consolation of all the Grimms during these last days of Advent and the upcoming Christmas season.”

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.