New England
Rick Brajer addresses the students at a classroom table

A healthcare CEO with decades of leadership experience, Rick Brajer spoke to the students of Thomas Aquinas College, New England, last week on the subject, “Christian Leadership in a Secular Age.” Although Mr. Brajer’s talk focused primarily on leadership positions in the business industry, he also offered general advice applicable to all leadership roles.

“I was anointed for business,” he said to a group of TAC students in St. Gianna Molla Hall, encouraging them to think of leadership as a calling from Christ. “You all have a stronger gift than I for this anointment just by being blessed enough to learn and grow in this environment.”

Drawing on Holy Scripture, Mr. Brajer spoke of Moses’s leadership qualities in chapters 13 and 14 in the Book of Numbers. The Lord told Moses to send spies to Canaan — resulting in the Israelites’ near mutiny against their leaders, due to the fear of the unknown. However, Mr. Brajer highlighted Moses’s obedience to God and his ability to share the Lord’s directions clearly and effectively with the people, even though they were fearful.

In the body of his talk, Mr. Brajer described what he calls the “leadership ladder” — practical advice for different stages of a professional career. He emphasized the importance of hard work, honesty, and prayer in every stage of leadership and gave personal examples illustrating his points.

The talk ended with a brief question-and-answer session, during which Mr. Brajer recommended books relating to his topic, finding a group of people you can trust, and embracing the call to lead. “You all get such a deep education here, so I advise that you jump in and get your feet wet as soon as possible,” he said. “If you have a desire to lead, and the Lord is driving you to do so, go right ahead and jump into the professional job market. Organizations want people like you.”