
Rev. Cornelius M. Buckley, S.J.On July 31, 2022, Rev. Cornelius M. Buckley, S.J. — retired chaplain of Thomas Aquinas College, California — celebrated the diamond jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood. Thanks be to God!

To mark the occasion, Jesuits West magazine features Fr. Buckley in its newest issue, where he reflects on his 60 years of ministry to the people of God. “For me, a tall, scrumptious sundae made with Neapolitan ice cream reflects the graces I’ve received as a priest,” he writes, taking up a long-cherished metaphor.

Ascending through the layers of this spiritual sundae, Fr. Buckley likens the various phases of his ministry — his time on the faculty at Santa Clara University, serving as president of St. Ignatius High School in San Francisco, and teaching at the University of San Francisco — two scoops of strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla ice cream. And at the very top is “the topped maraschino cherry, Thomas Aquinas College, with its prestigious, committed Catholic faculty and serious, fun-loving students.”

The combination of flavors enriches the sweetness of the memories. “No part of this sundae is separate from the whole. Each part was confected by God’s grace, Mary’s guidance, and the support of the Society of Jesus, enabling me, for 60 years, to bring Christ to others daily in the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Penance,” he concludes. “See why I’m so grateful?”