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Thomas Aquinas College president Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly (right) and his wife, Peggy (left), present a bust of St. Albert the Great to June and Jack Heffernan.
Thomas Aquinas College president Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly (right) and his wife, Peggy (left), present a bust of St. Albert the Great to June and Jack Heffernan.

On a recent afternoon in New Hampshire, two dear friends received much-deserved recognition for their tremendous and longtime generosity to Thomas Aquinas College.

Back in May, as part of its first New England Commencement, the College extended membership in the Order of St. Albert to June and Jack Heffernan. Named for St. Albert the Great, who taught St. Thomas Aquinas, the Order recognizes those benefactors whose generosity to the College has been exceptional. Members’ names are engraved on the plinth of the saint’s statue that overlooks the California campus’ academic quadrangle. Ordinarily, members receive a cast bronze replica of the statue and are inducted into the Order during Commencement Exercises. Unfortunately, the Heffernans were unable to attend graduation to accept the honor in person.

So, on August 18, Thomas Aquinas College President Paul O’Reilly; his wife, Peggy; and Vice President for Advancement James Link paid a visit to these stalwart friends of the College at their home — and brought the bronze bust with them.

“June and Jack are tremendous supporters of the College’s mission of Catholic liberal education,” said Dr. O’Reilly. “We were sorry when they weren’t able to make Commencement in May, but it was an honor and a joy to get to thank and recognize them in person.”

Among the Heffernans’ many gifts to the College is an endowed scholarship in memory of Angela Baird (’00), who tragically died following a hiking accident in 1997. Mr. and Mrs. Heffernan have also been advocates of the College’s expansion to New England, helping renovate the athletic center and one of the classroom buildings. Mr. Heffernan additionally served on the College’s Board of Governors from 1994 to 2003.

For their part, the Heffernans were humbled to receive the bust and accepted it with pleasure. “We’re honored to support Thomas Aquinas College,” said Mrs. Heffernan. “It’s doing tremendously important work for our nation and the Church.”