In his Thanksgiving address, Dr. O’Reilly paid special attention to the virtue of gratitude and its realization in Jacob of the Old Testament. “What, then, does Jacob teach us?” the president asked. “If we look to the good things we have received, if we reflect that we are not worthy of those things, because they have been given to us, not earned by us, then we must give thanks.”
Following Dr. McLean’s address, the student choral group Chrysostomos sang for all those present:
Some 3,000 miles to the East, on the New England campus, the community gathered in the Bl. Frassati Student Center for a traditional feast and a performance from the Thomas Aquinas College Choir. “By happy coincidence, we are celebrating today, a little in advance, in obedience to our country, a day of thanksgiving, and also, in obedience to the Church, the Feast of Christ the King,” said Dean Steve Cain in his Thanksgiving Address.
“Our feasting in this life ought to point to and make us long for the wedding feast of the Lamb; our citizenship in this nation ought to point to and make us long for citizenship in the heavenly Jerusalem,” said Dr. Cain. “Through our faith, we can see more clearly where and when we will come to ‘the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union,’ when we enter into the Kingdom of Christ the King.”