New England

On Saturday night, the men of Thomas Aquinas College, New England, dusted off their suits, rolled up their sleeves, and got to work preparing for the annual Rose Dinner, held in honor of all the ladies on campus.

The women entered Gould Hall, dressed to the nines in pretty florals, to be greeted by men bearing roses. After a short mingling period, the ladies proceeded to the dining room, which was filled with black and white-clad servers and candlelit tables. To begin the dinner, the night’s emcee, Thomas Rust (’24), stood up to give a brief speech in honor of TAC women.

“Beauty is very important to Catholic life,” he said. “Women are a gift of beauty and love, and bring those gifts to campus in a way that men could never hope to on their own.”

The meal began with a round of appetizers, including bruschetta, panko shrimp, and pickled mushrooms. The ladies chatted as they ate, enjoying the savory, flavorful dishes. When they were finished, the main course was served: tender pork with a creamy rosemary sauce, paired with fingerling potatoes and asparagus. 

An all-men’s choir, led by Samuel Livingston (’26), next treated the women to a variety of polyphonic songs, ending off with TAC favorite, “Red is the Rose.” After applause for the performance subsided, servers came around to each table with a dessert of ice cream swirled with chocolate and caramel sauce and topped with nuts. To conclude the night, both men and women re-entered Gould’s lobby, where dancing ensued!