
What kind of school is Thomas Aquinas College? What sort of intellectual, spiritual, and community life does it offer? What is it like to attend its classes?

In one week prospective students who find themselves asking these questions can find answers at the Open House Weekend on the College’s California campus, taking place from Thursday, March 10, to Sunday, March 13.

“Reading about the Great Books and Discussion Method is one thing,” says Admissions Director Jon Daly (’99). “But visiting and actually watching students discuss the works that have shaped our world brings out the power, wonder, and strength of the program.” 

Attendees will have the opportunity to sit in on classes and see discussions; a section may find its members in knots as they begin class, but through collaborative discussion leave with a clearer understanding of their text. “We want students to experience this phenomenon and, almost as important, we want them to meet our students,” Mr. Daly adds.

The weekend will include numerous activities outside the classroom: Attendees can expect to hike in the foothills surrounding campus, visit nearby Ventura to enjoy the food and beach, watch a movie, and participate in a Q&A with several TAC alumni. Students, tutors, and chaplains will also be on hand to happily answer questions and talk with visitors. 

“We hope our guests will leave having experienced at least a sliver of what Thomas Aquinas College has to offer its students,” says Mr. Daly. “Enjoy the program! Don’t leave without having asked what questions you have about the education — or life afterwards!”

Fully Booked

We're sorry!

Due to an early and overwhelming response to the California Open House, we have reached maximum capacity for the overnight portion. As spots may open between now and then, we have begun a waiting list and would be glad to add your name to it. To be added to the waiting list, please complete the RSVP form. We will notify you immediately in the event that a place opens up.

You are still very much welcome to join us for the Alumni Panel and the following campus tour on Sunday at 11:00 AM. Please email Laura Altic  to let her know how many people in your party will be attending.

We hope to see you there!


Thank you!