Monica (Heithaus ’96) Seeley: “Weeping with Mary”
“Tears, when bestowed by the Holy Spirit, are not an end in themselves to be analyzed, but point us to a spiritual end, whether that end be conversion, contemplation, consolation, or more fervent prayer.”
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Building the Civilization of Love: Timothy McNeil (’21)
Pope St. John Paul II famously called Christians to “build a civilization of love.” Last year, as a missionary with The Culture Project, Timothy McNeil (’21) offered himself as another brick in that great spiritual edifice. 
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From Jazz Drummer to Lobbyist — and Beyond: Owen Sweeney (’97)
After only three years working at the Chamber of Commerce in Lander, Wyoming, Owen Sweeney (’97) has joined the Board of Directors for the State Chamber of Commerce, at the behest of professional peers across God’s country.
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Cardinal Newman Society Profiles Homeschool Leader Laura Berquist (’75)
“Laura Berquist (née Steichen), foundress of the Mother of Divine Grace (MODG) homeschool program, prepared for her important calling at faithful Thomas Aquinas College in California.”
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Alumni to Headline Conference on Catholic Education and Culture
From June 21-24, leading Catholic educators will converge on Pasadena, California, for the First Adeodatus Conference on Catholic Education and Culture, organized by Dr. Alex Lessard and his wife, Angela (Grimm ’85).
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Alumnus Priest Authors Books on Beatitudes and St. Joseph
Adding to his prolific theological bibliography, Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94), has authored two new books in the last two months: Heart of the Gospel — How the Beatitudes Show Us God's Plan for Happiness and Saint Joseph: The Man Closest to Christ.
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Alumni Exceed Expectations, Smash Records at 2023 Day of Giving
“When we made plans for this year’s Alumni Day of Giving, we briefly considered setting a goal of $200,000,” says Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly (’84), Thomas Aquinas College’s first alumnus president. 
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