Graduate Serves Poor and Wealthy Alike as Regional Director for Catholic Charities

Daniel J. Grimm (’76) is the newly appointed director of Catholic Charities for the Santa Barbara pastoral region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

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Cardinal Burke Offers Praise for Graduate’s Book on Sacred Liturgy

His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, offered high praise for a book by  Dr. Peter Kwasniewski (’94).

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New York Times Highlights Alumni Monks’ Brewing & Rebuilding Efforts in Norcia

The New York Times reports that the brothers hope to start using their brew to help rebuild their central Italian region, which has been devastated by two earthquakes.

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Insights and Hope for Sacred Music and the Church

Aleteia has published a three-part series of interviews with alumnus Dr. Peter Kwasniewski (’94) about one of his great loves and areas of expertise: sacred music.

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Alumnus Employs Natural Science to Teach Philosophy & Theology to Seminarians

 Dr. Finley has helped to secure a $10,000 Templeton Foundation grant to incorporate natural science into his seminarians’ studies.

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Alumnus’ Video Pays Tribute to College’s Founders

When alumni gathered in Denver earlier this month, they watched this video, a tribute to Thomas Aquinas College’s founders by Paul Lazenby (’10).

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A Rocky Mountain Reunion

Denver-alumni alumni gathered at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Littleton, Colorado, on Saturday, for a potluck dinner.

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