
Chapel Crucifix


Serena (Grimm ’87) Mohun sends along the sad news of the passing of Pat Gallaher (’89).

Pat Gallaher died last night after a fairly prolonged battle with cancer. He had been living in Alaska for many years, but has recently been back down in Bakersfield, California, to be cared for by his sister. Many will remember Pat as a kind, gentle outdoorsman. He is the one who stocked the down-below ponds with trout and crayfish, which lasted many years past his one-year stint as a freshman. I will always remember him teaching me, and others on the Kaiser desert trip, to shoot his .44 Magnum!! May he rest in the peace of Christ.

Mr. Gallaher’s funeral will take plane at St. Albert’s Church in San Jose, California, on Saturday, June 17, at 9:00 a.m. Please pray for the repose of his soul.