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The above video features Rev. Derek Remus (’11), the College’s newest — and 72nd! — alumnus priest. Fr. Remus was ordained to the sacred priesthood on June 29, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, by the Most Rev. William McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary, at St. Mary’s Cathedral.

“Today,” observes the Calgary Herald, he is “a rare breed: an Alberta-born young priest serving in his home province.” Indeed, Fr. Remus is the first priest to be ordained in Calgary in three years. In August he began service as an associate pastor at Holy Spirit Parish in southwest Calgary.

“I want to reach out to young people by showing them that the Faith is reasonable and it is only in God and in Christ they can be truly happy,” he says. “It is important these days to show the Faith is not opposed to reason and not opposed to science. I have a missionary mentality to go out and preach the truth to everybody.”

Thanks be to God!