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Rev. Deneys Williamson ordination
Rev. Deneys Williamson (’10) and the Most Rev. Buti Joseph Tlhagale, Archbishop of Johannesburg


In joy and thanksgiving, the College is pleased to announce the ordination of its 66th alumnus priest, Rev. Deneys Williamson (’10), in his hometown of Johannesburg, South Africa. On October 8, Fr. Deneys received the Sacrament of Holy Orders at the hands of his archbishop, the Most Rev. Buti Joseph Tlhagale, at Johannesburg’s Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Rev. Deneys Williamson ordination
The Most Rev. Buti Joseph Tlhagale, Archbishop of Johannesburg, ordains Rev. Deneys Williamson (’10)

“During my discernment at the College, I looked into the religious life, but in the end I chose the secular priesthood, and have been very happy since,” writes Fr. Deneys. “The specificity of the secular vocation is to live in the midst of the world, with all its bustle and unpredictability, in order to transform it from the inside and consecrate it to God — to be salt and light — so that Christ our Lord may reign in all human realities. The secular priest’s job is to serve the lay faithful in their divine mission to perfect and sanctify the temporal structures of the world – family, work, and society.”

Thanks be to God!