All College
His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and Dr. Peter Kwasniewski (’94)
His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and Dr. Peter Kwasniewski (’94)

Earlier this fall, Strahov Abbey in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted a launch party for the newly released Czech translation of Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis: Sacred Liturgy, the Traditional Latin Mass, and Renewal in the Church, by graduate Dr. Peter Kwasniewski (’94), a professor of theology and philosophy, an instructor of music, and the choirmaster at Wyoming Catholic College. The honored speaker at the event was a dear friend of the College, His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Calling Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis “very important” and “rich and beautiful,” His Eminence described the book as “a very important contribution to the work of restoring the Sacred Liturgy, recovering the sense of the organic unity of the Church’s liturgy that has come down to us over the centuries.” The Cardinal additionally commended Dr. Peter Kwasniewski personally as “a man of faith, a husband, a father” whose writings offer “a very readable, very accessible” reflection “on the importance of the Sacred Liturgy in his own personal life, in the life of his family, and in the life of those with whom he interacts in his daily life.”

Details and photos from the event, including Dr. Kwasniewski’s lecture, Reverence Is Not Enough: On the Importance of Tradition, are available via the Rorate Caeli blog.


Strahov Abbey
Strahov Abbey