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Brother Reginald Wolford
Br. Reginald (Ryan ’97) Wolford, O.P.

Please pray for Br. Reginald (Ryan ’97) Wolford, O.P., who, by God’s grace, will be ordained to the priesthood this weekend.

On Saturday — the Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux —the Most Rev. Robert J. Hermann, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of St. Louis, Missouri, will ordain Br. Reginald in the city’s St. Dominic Priory. Fittingly, Br. Reginald will offer his first Mass the next morning in a church named for St. Thérèse, Little Flower in Richmond Heights. He will be the College’s 65th alumnus priest.

“I would just like to express my thanks to God for my Thomas Aquinas College experience,” said Br. Reginald at the time of his ordination to the transitional diaconate. “Four years’ studying Aristotle, and a good start in St. Thomas, have proven invaluable to my subsequent education; but most of all I am thankful that my time at the College led to my conversion to Catholicism and my eventual pursuit of the priesthood.”

Thanks be to God!