Sean Murray (’97)
Sean Murray (’97)


The latest issue of Ad Veritatem, the publication of the St. Thomas More Society of Orange County, California, features an interview with alumnus attorney Sean Murray (’97). Mr. Murray, a member of the Catholic legal organization’s Board of Directors, is a partner in the Orange County office of Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear LLP, where he specializes in patent, trademark, and copyright law.

In the interview, Mr. Murray discusses how an experience while still a student at the College led him to pursue a legal education at the University of Virginia School of Law. He describes the role his parents played in shaping his faith, his favorite Scripture passage (Job, for perspective), and his most beloved saints (which include, of course, St. Thomas Aquinas). Finally, he concludes the interview by offering some thoughtful and practical advice for Catholic attorneys:

“Attorneys are often under pressure by colleagues and clients to do things that are morally ambiguous or worse. I’d recommend letting colleagues and clients know right away that you are Catholic and doing your best to live according to a moral and ethical code. That can be communicated without being preachy, often with a few casual remarks. If someone knows you are trying your best to do what’s right, they won’t expect you to do otherwise. But this is much easier to communicate early on, before a questionable decision presents itself and a client has formed an expectation that you will do anything and everything to further its interests.”

The full interview is available, in PDF format, via the St. Thomas More Society of Orange County.