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Over the course of the fall, three graduates of Thomas Aquinas College have appeared on the Catholic Answers Live radio program, answering callers’ questions about the Church and its teachings:

Michael Augros
Dr. Michael Augros

On September 18, Dr. Michael Augros (’92), a tutor at the College, was the guest for a program entitled Your Immortal Soul. Over the course of the 60-minute interview, he answered questions related to his newly released book, The Immortal in You: How Human Nature Is More Than Science Can Say, which presents a philosophical argument for the reality and immortality of the human soul.

Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93)
Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93)

Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93), Chancellor for the Diocese of Orange, California, appeared on the October 20 episode, The Role of Catholic Women in the World, on which she addressed topics ranging from romance to work and motherhood. An ethicist and theologian, Dr. de Solenni is an expert on issues relating to women’s health, the new feminism, and culture.

Rev. Sebastian Walshe
Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem. ('94)

Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94), professor of philosophy at St. Michael’s Abbey, was the show’s guest for its November 6 episode, Situational Ethics. The conversation covered such subjects as “white lies,” addressing difficult moral truths within the context of family, and the perennial question about whether it is ethically permissible to lie to the hypothetical Nazis at your door.