All College

Emily Sullivan


Emily (Barry ’11) Sullivan returned to her alma mater last weekend to lead a retreat for the women of Thomas Aquinas College, “Fiat: On the Dignity and Vocation of Women.” Sponsored by Endow, a Catholic educational apostolate, the retreat included a series of talks on Pope Saint John Paul II’s encyclical Mulieris Dignitatem, as well the Stations of the Cross, the Liturgy of the Hours, a Rosary procession, Mass, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.


Emily Sullivan


Until last year, Mrs. Sullivan was the Northeast program manager for Endow, which publishes study guides for women about ecclesial documents and the writings of various saints. She has spoken at the University Notre Dame, Princeton University, various Catholic women’s conferences, and the 2015 World Meeting of Families. She frequently speaks on topics surrounding gender complementarity, the dignity of women, and the vocation of marriage and motherhood.

Mrs. Sullivan and her husband, Joe (‘09) live just outside of Philadelphia. They are the parents of three young girls, Brigid (4), Mary (2), and Annie (4 mos.)


Mrs. Sullivan and Annie meet with students in the Doheny Hacienda.
Mrs. Sullivan and Annie meet with students in the Doheny Hacienda.