New England
December 31, 2024
For more information, please contact:
Chris Weinkopf, Executive Director of College Relations
805-421-5926 |
NORTHFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS — As part of its celebration of the 2025 Jubilee Year, Thomas Aquinas College, New England, will host a special Jubilee Mass and accompanying devotions on Saturday, February 22 in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel — open to all pilgrims in and around the Diocese of Springfield.
“We are delighted that Bishop Byrne has designated the Chapel as a Jubilee Pilgrimage Site, and we look forward to welcoming pilgrims throughout the Jubilee Year,” says Head Chaplain Rev. Greg Markey. “However, we also wanted to offer a special occasion for pilgrims to celebrate the Jubilee with our community.”
The Jubilee Mass and Devotions will afford pilgrims an opportunity to venerate Our Eucharistic Lord, receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and fulfill the requirements to receive a Plenary Indulgence at an officially declared pilgrimage site.
The devotions will begin with Eucharistic Adoration, starting at 1:15 p.m., followed by Mass at 2:00 p.m., with the Sacrament of Confession available during that entire time. After the Mass has concluded, Fr. Markey will lead the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. A light reception will follow in Olivia Music Hall, where pilgrims can mingle with one another and meet some of the College’s students, faculty, and staff members.
“We pray that this Mass will be spiritually beneficial to all who attend,” says Dr. Steven Cain, dean of Thomas Aquinas College, New England. “In this Jubilee Year, we want to give pilgrims a reason to hope.”
The regular Mass schedule may be found on the Chapel’s Jubilee webpage, along with the requirements to obtain a plenary indulgence and information about Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel.
“It is a great honor to be included as one of seven pilgrimage sites for the Diocese of Springfield,” says Dr. Cain. “We hope that the people of the diocese find an opportunity to visit this year and celebrate the Jubilee together with us.”
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About Thomas Aquinas College
With campuses in California and Massachusetts, Thomas Aquinas College has developed over the last half century a solid reputation for academic excellence in the United States and abroad. It is highly ranked by secular organizations, such as The Princeton Review and U. S. News, as well as Catholic guides, including the Cardinal Newman Society and the National Catholic Register. The college offers one, four-year, classical curriculum that spans the major arts and sciences. Instead of reading textbooks, students study the original works of the greatest thinkers in Western civilization — the Great Books — in all the major disciplines. Rather than listen to lectures, they work through these texts in small, rigorous classroom discussions. The academic life of the college is conducted under the light of the Catholic faith and flourishes within a close-knit community, supported by a vibrant spiritual life. Alumni consistently excel in the many world-class institutions at which they pursue graduate degrees in fields such as law, medicine, business, theology, and education.