Table of Contents (articles open in PDF)


Construction of Faculty Building Commences
Twenty-five Years of Temporary Trailers Coming to an End

Lights, Camera...
Network Show to Spotlight Thomas Aquinas College

From the Desk of the President
Why the Great Books?

Chapel Update
The Story of the Bells

New Member of the Board of Governors
Mr. R. James (Jim) Wensley

A Shepherd to His Flock
An Interview with the Most Rev. Robert F. Vasa, DD, JCL

Papal Biographer Lauds College
George Weigel, Guest of Honor at Annual Board Retreat

Covering the Pope
An Interview with George Weigel

The Founders Speak

Thomas Aquinas College Welcomes New Regents
Three Appointed to College Board

Alumni Update
Graduate is Voice for thee Voiceless

Profile: Member of the Board of Governors
Mr. Paul E. Griffin III

Alumni Profile
Team Work: Ben ('96) and Andrea ('96) Loop