Dear prospective student,

You may find yourself here because you are seeking a different kind of education; an education that prepares you for life, no matter what path you take. You may be searching for an education that opens your mind to think clearly and argue cogently; one that leads you to wisdom and truth, while not plaguing you with financial burden.
Thomas Aquinas College is truly unique among American colleges and universities. In place of textbooks, students here study the Great Books of Western civilization — the works that have shaped the course of history and guided the development of the major disciplines (mathematics and science, language and literature, philosophy and theology). With truth as their aim, our students engage in this four-year pursuit, attempting to answer the enduring questions raised by the authors of these great works, not in vast lecture halls, but in vigorous classroom discussions of no more than 20 students.
I invite you to take a few minutes to explore our academic program, teaching method, and wholehearted commitment to the Catholic faith.
Begin your application today! There is no application fee, and we accept applications on a rolling basis.
Here are the three best ways to learn more about Thomas Aquinas College:
- Are you a junior in high school? Join us on a Summer Great Books Program! During these two-week summer programs, students on each of our campuses embark on a pursuit of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful through spirited conversation about some of the greatest works of the past 2,500 years. In addition to being one of the best ways to get to know Thomas Aquinas College for yourself, it is a life-changing experience for many and a lot of fun for everyone!
- Visit: Guests are welcome year-round on both campuses. We encourage prospective students to visit during the school year and stay on campus to observe classes, meet with current students and tutors, and get a feel for life on campus during the school year. Connect with our directors of admissions, Jon Daly in California or John Jost in New England to schedule your visit today!
- Request information from the College, or call and speak with a counselor.
I look forward to hearing from you and hope you’ll stop in for a visit in the near future!
Paul J. O’Reilly, Ph.D. (’84)