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Joseph Cunningham (’07)
Joseph Cunningham (’07)


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Dr. Arthur Hippler (’89): On Church Teaching & Classical EducationWriting at The Imaginative Conservative, Dr.

New England
Meghan Duke


When she graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, California, in 2008, Meghan Duke never imagined that she would one day join its teaching faculty, let alone at a new campus in New England. She never even expected to attend graduate school.

Dr. John Finley


Returning to teach at Thomas Aquinas College, California, this academic year is a homecoming of sorts for Dr. John Finley (’99) — in more ways than one. Not only is he an alumnus of the College, he is also an alumnus of the faculty.

New England
Joshua Lo


Growing up in Dallas and Houston, Texas, Joshua Lo (’12) nurtured dreams of becoming a concert cellist. Yet he reconsidered those dreams when he enrolled at Thomas Aquinas College in 2008. “I loved it,” he says. “I wanted to continue thinking about these matters for the rest of my life.”

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Dr. Rioux poses for a portraitStudents at Thomas Aquinas College study the basics of metaphysics and a great deal of mathematics — and some continue pondering both long after they graduate. One such graduate is

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Kyle Washut
Dr. Kyle Washut (’07), photo courtesy of Wyoming Catholic College


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Joe Stack ('17)Joseph Stack (’17) is doing his part to revive the study of the Angelic Doctor with The Daily Thomist, an online newsletter which “breaks down the ideas of Thomas Aquinas and others into brief, digestible pieces so you can live an intellectual life while you are busy.”

All College
Michael Bors leads a tour of Annapolis


When not engaged in advanced graduate studies in philosophy, Michael Bors (’15) can be found conducting tours of his native Annapolis.