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Josefina Altamiranda (’18)
Josefina Altamiranda (’18)


On March 19, alumna Josefina Altamiranda (’18) provided provided the English translation for a Rosary for Pope Francis’s health, which was broadcast on EWTN. 

Two weeks prior, the Vatican announced that the cardinals in Rome would be praying a Rosary in St. Peter’s Square each night for the health and recovery of the Holy Father. Since then, they have broadcast the Rosary live on EWTN for Catholics to participate in worldwide. 

Miss Altamiranda has been living in Rome since last summer, studying at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. Her roommate, a journalist for EWTN, connected her with the opportunity to provide the English translation of the Rosary for the nightly broadcast. “I was responsible for overlaying the translation of the opening and closing prayers, the Our Father, and the first Hail Mary and Glory Be of each decade,” she says.  

As His Excellency Monsignor Alejandro Arellano Cedillo, Dean of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, leads the cardinals in prayer, Miss Altamiranda’s voice guides English listeners through the Rosary, asking Our Lady for her intercession in the Holy Father’s recovery. 

Please pray for Pope Francis!