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Joseph Cunningham (’07)
Joseph Cunningham (’07)


New England
Meghan Duke


When she graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, California, in 2008, Meghan Duke never imagined that she would one day join its teaching faculty, let alone at a new campus in New England. She never even expected to attend graduate school.

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Denise (Martel ’81) Trull
Denise (Martel ’81) Trull

In a

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Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold
Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold

Writing in the National Catholic Register, Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold reflects on Mary’s Magnificat to devel

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Joe Stack ('17)Joseph Stack (’17) is doing his part to revive the study of the Angelic Doctor with The Daily Thomist, an online newsletter which “breaks down the ideas of Thomas Aquinas and others into brief, digestible pieces so you can live an intellectual life while you are busy.”

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Jonathan Culbreath (’17)
Jonathan Culbreath (’17)

The vision of “strong” masculinity promoted by the popular social-media personality Andrew Tate “is both alien and inferior to Christian asceticism, which serves transcendent ends,” writes alumnus author 

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Dr. David Langley and family
Dr. Dave Langley and family


Dr. Dave Langley (’15) is on the last leg of the long journey to becoming a full-fledged physician, working through his residency requirements at Florida State University in Sarasota.