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Brian Schardt (’16)
Brian Schardt (’16)

Since graduating from Thomas Aquinas College just five years ago, Brian Schardt (’16) has had a whirlwind career in the high-tech sector, working for several major American corporations, including Walmart Labs, PwC, and Warner Music Group.

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Each year the president of Thomas Aquinas College hosts a dinner on the Wednesday before Commencement as an opportunity for members of the faculty and staff to bid farewell to the graduating class. The event also serves as an occasion to thank employees who have achieved landmark anniversaries in their service of the College or who are retiring. This year, the College honored Director of Special Projects Anne Forsyth, Admissions Director Jon Daly, and Peter L. DeLuca, a co-founder, former president, and senior tutor.

Anne S. Forsyth (’81)

Remarks by Dr. McLean

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Please pray for the repose of the soul of Paul H. Andres, who passed away this morning, the Feast of the Ascension. Mr. Andres is the father of Christina (Deardurff ’82) and California tutor Dr. Anthony Andres (’87). He is also the grandfather of Dominique (Deardurff  ’07) Martin, Benedict Deardurff (’09), Clare (Deardurff ’11) Schofield, and Joseph (’12) and Dominic Andres (’24).

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

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Alchemy, Teenagers, and the Christian Artist


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Patrick Ford
Patrick Ford

Patrick Ford

As Patrick Ford reflects on how he came to live in New England — a region he had never set foot in before driving a moving van to Northfield, Massachusetts, last year — the College’s director of East Coast development observes that he has truly walke

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Richard F. SpencerA longtime resident of Central California, Richard F. Spencer began fixing and renting out homes — with the help of his great-aunt — while still a high school student. From that young age, he manifested an entrepreneurial knack.

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Fifty years ago, a Catholic liberal arts college with just 33 students was set to open its doors on a rented campus in Southern California. This new institution would be animated by a spirit of faith seeking understanding, dedicated to timeless truths and a time-tested pedagogy. Great Books and Socratic discussions, rather than textbooks and lecturing, would guide students in pursuit of truth under the light of the Catholic intellectual tradition.

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Three Presidents: Dr. Michael F. McLean, Peter L. DeLuca, and Dr. Ronald P. McArthur at President McLean’s inauguration in 2010
Three Presidents: Dr. Michael F. McLean, Peter L. DeLuca, and Dr. Ronald P. McArthur at President McLean’s inauguration in 2010

When Dr. Michael F.