New England
From Competition to Contemplation
Upon completing the first classes of the New England High School Summer Program, students took a break from exercising their intellects and shifted to exercising their bodies at the Summer Program Section Games!
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New England
The Rain Can’t Dampen Our Excitement!
Although Monday morning did not bring sunshine and birdsong, the smiles and excitement of students at the New England High School Summer Program were more than enough to light up Thomas Aquinas College! 
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2023 High School Summer Program: Meet the Prefects! (Part 2)
Although the 2023 New England High School Summer Program is under way, the California program won’t begin until Sunday. Until then, we would like to introduce you to the second round of California, prefects, following up on our earlier introductions.
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New England
First Night in Northfield
Students on the New England High School Summer Program quickly settled in after Sunday’s arrival, then gathered in Gould Hall for their first dinner together!
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New England
Off to a Great Start!
In the midst of Massachusetts cloud bursts, the campus of Thomas Aquinas College, New England, was abuzz with laughter and excitement all this afternoon as prefects and staff welcomed nearly 80 high school students for the annual Great Books High School Summer Program! 
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2023 High School Summer Program: Meet the Prefects!
Having spent the last two weeks introducing you to the prefects for the New England High School Summer Program, we would now like to introduce the crew for the California program, which runs July 16-29.
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New England
High School Summer Program: Meet the Prefects, Part 2
Following up on last week’s post, we now continue our introduction of the 2023 New England High School Summer Program prefects!
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