Students walk across campus


Prepared by last night’s studies, prayer, and recreation, High School Summer Program students woke Thursday ready to face some big questions about God, the nature of man, and, of course, geometry!

After morning Mass and breakfast, the high schoolers rose to the challenge of presenting three more of Euclid’s theorems. They were called up to the chalkboard to demonstrate the construction of perpendicular lines, the measure of two supplementary angles, and the equality of vertical angles. Though for some of the students, demonstrating proofs in geometry may still be a new and even intimidating experience, it’s a practice that sharpens their ability to analyze arguments logically and to help their classmates come to a common understanding. 

After geometry class, Fr. John Paul offered Mass in Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel, followed by Philly cheesesteaks for lunch in St. Joseph Commons. Students then returned to the classroom to discuss the Book of Genesis. Their first theology class gave them another taste of life at TAC, where freshmen read through the entire Bible together from Genesis to Revelation.


Students at lunch


The high schoolers started at the beginning with Creation and the Fall of man, the story of Cain and Abel, Noah’s ark, and the Tower of Babel. Guided by their tutors, they dove deep into the sacred text and were unafraid to challenge each other’s points of view. One student, David W., spoke about his experience of the Discussion Method. “Everyone is working together to get to an end goal, which is really fun,” he said. “It allows you to go down some insane rabbit holes, but it’s also testing your logic against the text and against everyone around you and seeing what you can come up with.” 

Later today students will have a chance to take a short hike into the beautiful hills that dot the California campus’s 800 acres, then come back in time for a slip-n-slide and picnic barbeque. Photos will be posted tomorrow morning, here on the Summer Program Blog!


Students walk across campus