Students depart Chapel
Students depart Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel after this morning’s Mass.

Students slept soundly after enjoying the many activities of Wednesday night, and they woke up refreshed and ready to begin their fourth day of classes. A cool mist hung over the mountains surrounding campus as a large group made its way to Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel for morning Mass, but by the time the students emerged afterward, the sun was out for what promises to be a gorgeous day. 

After breakfast, students gathered for their morning class. “Yesterday we read Genesis all the way through the story of Abraham,” explains Dr. Katherine Gardner, one of the several members of the College’s teaching faculty who are serving as tutors for the High School Program. “Today we read Kierkegaard’s presentation of that story.”

For an opening question, Dr. Gardner chose, “What is it that is so difficult to understand about Abraham’s faith?” The discussion revolved around the patriarch’s immense and nearly incomprehensible trust in God, even to the point of being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac at heaven’s command.

After lunch students gathered for a lunch of teriyaki chicken in St. Thomas Hall. Having worked hard these last few days, they will get the rest of the day off. Instead of an afternoon class, the whole group is heading up the coast to experience the glories of the Pacific Ocean and the California beach! They are en route in their buses now. Visit the SummerBlog for a full report and spectacular photos tomorrow morning!

Students depart for the beach


Students on bus to the beach