New England
Three students and a prefect pose for a photo


As Monday’s classes drew to a close, the sun was shining and the weather could hardly have been more pleasant, so many gathered on the athletic fields for games of volleyball, soccer, or Spike Ball. Others took to the Meany Gymnasium for basketball, and a few even spent some time playing various instruments in Olivia Music Hall.

Recreation Period
  • A game of volleyball, with the serve in action
  • Two of the prefects sitting on the grass
  • David Carey kicks a ball at the edge of the field
  • Two students standing at the edge of the field
  • The volleyball game: sending the ball over the net
  • A man in mid-leap as he sends the ball across the net
  • Students and Fr. Miguel practicing on the basketball court
  • Basketball game: A student attempts to capture the ball from another
  • A student attempts to block another, who is making a shot on the basket
  • Students kneeling in prayer before the game
  • Students running near the basket on one side. The ball is not visible.
  • A student shoots for the basket, while others rush in to catch the rebound

Everyone then enjoyed a delicious pasta dinner before heading over to the Dolben Auditorium for a short admissions talk. Admissions Director Jon Daly and Associate Director John Jost spoke about the process of applying to the College, and attendees had the chance to ask various questions about the curriculum, the Great Books, a degree in the liberal arts, and other related topics.

Then it was off to the classrooms to prepare Euclid propositions! Tutors assigned the first three geometry props for this morning’s class, in which randomly selected students will present material for the rest of their section and even field questions from their peers. Many are looking forward for the chance to get up in front of the class and present within the next few days.


A prefect demonstrates a prop while students watch in one of the classrooms


A large group then filled Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel to pray the Rosary, and then all gathered on the lawn next to Tracy Student Center for a huge bonfire. A few of the tutors joined the group, and between s’mores and chocolate milk, they talked with students about the value of a liberal arts education and explained certain aspects of the College’s program of studies. There was much camaraderie, and a few even whipped out guitars and sang their favorite campfire songs.

  • Students around a bonfire
  • Five students in a small group on one side of the fire
  • The bonfire, with a few students partly visible behind it
  • Closeup of a semicircle of student chatting on one side of the fire
  • A summer worker and a student pose for the camera
  • Another shot of the bonfire, which is assembled in the 'teepee' style and is getting very big
  • Students chatting on another side of the fire
  • Tanner Sheffield feeds the fire
  • A student assumes what appears to be a "Firebender" pose with the bonfire and a marshmallow on a stick
  • Standing at various distances from the blaze, students roast marshmallows
  • Four cautiously attempting to roast their marshmallows without themselves getting burnt
  • A student produces a guitar for some impromptu folk singing!
  • The bonfire, seen from a greater distance
  • Dr. McCarthy, tutor, addresses the students
  • Another view of some students and Fr. Miguel looking into the fire pensively
  • Three students with guitars in a ring

Today is a big day for the programmers, from presenting Euclid for the first time to a kayak trip on the Connecticut River. So be sure to check the SummerBlog this afternoon for the latest updates!