New England
High School Summer Program Class


Time has been flying for the students on the New England High School Summer Program, and we are now on the penultimate day! “It’s been absolutely fantastic,” says student Xylie B. With two more days of classes ahead of them, though, attendees can’t afford to spend too much time reminiscing just yet.

Thursday began with the early Mass in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel, after which students enjoyed a hearty breakfast in Gould Commons before heading to the day’s first class. Many marveled at how their perception of mathematics has changed over the last week. “Before we started, I hated math,” observes Luca D. “But now I really appreciate it since reading Euclid.”  Adds Katie T., “I never liked math, but Euclid is actually fun!”

For many attendees, Euclid’s geometrical propositions have shown that they are capable of more than they had thought. “It’s wonderful to see the students ace a prop and watch their confidence grow,” says Director of Admissions John Jost. “It’s one of my favorite parts of the program.”

Once class ended, some programmers attended the midmorning Mass, while others trekked to the bookstore. Students proudly modeled their newly purchased TAC sweatshirts and jackets despite the summer heat!

At lunch, attendees dug into strip steak, corn on the cob, and macaroni salad. Prefect Stephen Brown (’25) announced that after classes there would be one final dance practice before Friday’s grand banquet, which was met with great enthusiasm. Afterward, students made their way to St. Gianna Molla Hall for their last class on Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy. “I really enjoyed Boethius,” said Eric M. “I’ll miss discussing it.”

With Boethius behind them, students flooded out of St. Gianna excited for dance practice and recreation. Make sure to check the Summer Program Blog tomorrow for photos and details about the rest of their day!


High School Summer Program Class