New England
Students demonstrate a prop at the board


In our last post, we discussed the surprise water-ballon fight that women prefects launched against the men of the New England High School Summer Program on Tuesday. And now we have photos!


Water-balloon fight!
The ladies pose for their photo … 


… then the men
… then the men …


Water-balloon fight!


Water-balloon fight!
Water-balloon fight!


Following the melee, students hurried to dry off and change. Recreation was extra exciting for the women today: Thanks to the tireless efforts and scheduling genius of prefects Dani Van Wyk (’26) and Georgiana Egan (’24), a the group went on a thrift-shopping excursion! The girls loaded into a campus bus and SUV, excited to hunt for hidden treasures. “I can’t wait!” said Maggie M. Once they arrived at the local Salvation Army, the women spread out to look for clothes, enjoying the thrill of the hunt and each other’s company. “Shopping with other girls is so much fun!” said Bethany T. Several women found dresses for the upcoming banquet, while others found stylish skirts and dapper dresses to wear for class. “I’m so glad we were able to make this work,” added prefect Paloma Gallivan (’27).

While the women were out thrifting, the men had the gym opened up for free rec, including the weight room, pool and rock-climbing walls. Unsurprisingly, the sports-themed rec period was a hit, with many attendees asking to do the same tomorrow!

Photos: Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period
  • Recreation Period

Hungry from an exhilarating afternoon of shopping and sports, the women and men alike next enjoyed a hearty dinner of ribs, pasta salad, and cornbread in Gould Commons. They then headed to St. Gianna Molla Hall to study their Euclidean propositions for the next day. Prefects were stationed in each classroom, offering encouragement, critiques, and coaching.

Photos: Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall
  • Study Hall

“The prefects are so helpful,” said Katie T. “Otherwise I’d be so lost.” Students studied their props until it was time for their next activity: a career talk given by Director of Admissions John Jost (’17). “You can do almost anything with a TAC education,” said Mr. Jost in his presentation. “The education here gives you the tools to succeed in any career or field.” The talk was well received, with much applause from the attendees. During the follow Coffee Shop hour, students snacked on sweets and danced with each other, with a fair bit of teasing still going around from the afternoon’s water ambush.

Photos: Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop
  • Coffee Shop

Just as students were heading to their dorms, thinking the night was over, the women were given an announcement: Program Chaplain Rev. Miguel (Gaspar ’08) Batres, O.Praem. would be giving a dorm talk on dating! The women received this news with both interest and enthusiasm, but Fr. Miguel had barely begun speaking when a commotion arose outside. The women ran to the doors and realized they had been duped! The dorm talk was simply a façade to keep the ladies awake for the Serenade, a beloved Summer Program tradition.

Outside on the steps of Gould were the men, dressed to the nines in jackets and ties. Not only did they sing to the women, but they also presented each lady with a rose. “I definitely feel ‘wooed,’” said Grace B. “I had no idea this was coming!”

Today, the students will present more props and go on an off-campus excursion — check the Summer Program Blog this afternoon to make sure you don’t miss a beat!