
The article below is part of a series introducing students and their families to the prefects for the 2021 Great Books High School Summer Program. To read the series in full as it is published, visit the Summer Program Blog.


Thomas “TK” Kelsey (’23)“Come to the Summer Program with an open mind, and try to remember what is going to be different during the school year,” says Thomas “TK” Kelsey (’23), recalling the advice his brother gave him back when TK was an attendee in 2019. “You want to use this time to see if Thomas Aquinas College is for you.”

Coming from South Bend, Indiana, TK remembers well the trip up the California coast during his own Summer Program. “We went to Santa Barbara. It was so fun. I really enjoyed it,” he says. Now as a first-time prefect, he looks forward to leading other off-campus trips for attendees as the state opens up. A day at the beach, plus a concert at the Hollywood Bowl, are currently in the works. Among the other joys of life at Thomas Aquinas College that Summer Program attendees can look forward to, TK says, is the comradery of the residence halls. “I love dorm life,” he reflects. “Some of those guys practically become your brothers.” 

While he waits for the Summer Program to start, and once it wraps up, TK plans to work on campus and spend his days on the beach. When not in California, he will return home to visit with his family.