
The article below is part of a series introducing students and their families to the prefects for the 2021 Great Books High School Summer Program. To read the series in full as it is published, visit the Summer Program Blog.


Josephine “Jo” Dragoo (’23)Josephine “Jo” Dragoo (’23) recalls her favorite moment from last summer’s High School Program, her first as a prefect. “I especially loved our morning hike to the Painter’s Shack for Mass,” she says. “It was beautiful and moving to celebrate the Mass in God’s creation.” Jo counsels the program’s attendees to take full advantage of the College’s rich spiritual life. “There’s so much every day: confession before and after every Mass, Masses offered throughout the day, a daily Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and priests who will listen to you and talk to you about anything.”

In the days leading up to the Summer Program, and the weeks following, Jo will work as a campus gardener, camp with friends, and visit the beach. She will also visit home, not too far away, in Santa Paula, California.

As for the program itself, she says, “I cannot wait to watch attendees fall in love with this place I call home.” She knows well the joys that the program has in store for them. “When I came to the Summer Program three years ago, it was hands down two of  the best two weeks of my life. I grew spiritually, thought in ways I hadn’t before, and met people who are some of my best friends today.”