Students outside bus


The California one-week High School Great Books Program has come to an end!

Despite a short night’s rest following a Saturday night of dancing and reminiscing, attendees had to say their final goodbyes this morning. Some rose before the sun to board buses to the airport, while others joyfully welcomed the parents who came later to pick them up. One group of programmers even greeted the new day with a sunrise hike, having never gone to bed the night before!


Students on early-morning hike


Though they sadly must leave, the students will carry their memories of the Summer Program with them. “It was such a fun week, both in the sense that the people are amazing and the classes were really cool and interesting,” said Mary W. “I don’t want to leave!” another student protested. The past week of study, prayer, and adventure have brought these high schoolers together and made them not just participants in the same program, but friends. 

The students weren’t the only ones who were sad for the week to come to an end. Prefects gathered to see the high schoolers off, giving big hugs and waving goodbye as cars and buses departed. “You guys are so great, and we all really hope to see you again, whether as students at the College or just for a visit!” said prefect Maddie Graven (’26). Prefect Xavier Grimm (’27) added, “Come back soon!” 

Photos: Fond Farewells
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes

And with that, the Summer Blog comes to an end … for now. The New England Summer Program starts in just one week (limited space still available!), and the two-week California program begins one week after that. So you can look forward to more stories and photos from both campuses soon!

Before signing off, though, we want to salute our tremendous creative duo — photographer Regina Terreri (’23) and writer Isabel Oleson (’25) — who have been reporting the goings-on from the program these last seven days. Thank you, both, for your wonderful work!


Isabel and Regina


For all of us at the College, we hope that the Summer Program students had as much joy experiencing life at TAC as we did having them here with us. We pray that they all have safe journeys home, and we hope to see you all again before too long. May God bless the students of the 2024 Great Books High School Program! 


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