New England
Students walk to the Chapel

When students awoke this morning, the first after their arrival at the New England High School Summer Program, they were eager to begin their classroom discussions. First, however, they had one more orientation to attend — this one on the dynamics and guidelines for the Discussion Method itself. “There are two purposes of the program,” said Dr. Stephen Shivone, director of the High School Summer Program in New England. “One is to encourage discussions about the deep and controversial questions that men have pondered and have yet to answer. The other is to offer a taste of the education offered at Thomas Aquinas College.”

Only after the orientation — and the following Mass in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel — were students ready to attend the first class. The discussion was about Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, the infamous story of a Greek king who kills his father and marries his mother. Though some students were shy at first, most entered the conversation as it accelerated, exploring the role of fate and the question of Oedipus’s guilt.

“I think we should pity Oedipus, because his situation wasn’t something he could control,” said Carmen B. Others held the opposing position, like Moira W., who thought he was culpable for his actions because he already knew his fate from a prophecy. Everyone came out of their classes with a new appreciation for the Discussion Method and couldn’t wait for more. This desire for more conversation became very apparent at lunch, where students continued discussing their opinions and comparing notes with their friends from other sections.

After enjoying their chicken nuggets, fries, and homemade ice cream, students returned to the classrooms, this time discussing Plato’s Euthyphro, a Socratic dialogue about a man who takes his father to court. The main theme of the work is piety, as Socrates contends that all piety should be directed toward the family and state, rather than to the gods. Students grappled with the question of what piety is, and to whom it should be ordered. Many left the class with more questions than they had when it started, making them ponder more deeply the issues examined. “I don’t understand everything yet,” said Mariel C. “I definitely need some time to process everything that we talked about.”

We have now entered the afternoon recreation period, and all kinds of fun activities are planned for tonight. See the Summer Blog tomorrow morning for news and photos!

Students walk from the Chapel