Summer Program Students


Students on the California High School Summer Program began Tuesday by digging into Greek tragedy and ancient philosophy, but the afternoon gave them a chance to experience another side of life at TAC. The high schoolers were free to take full advantage of the many opportunities for extracurricular fun on campus!

In the Pope St. John Paul II Athletic Center, students took rock-climbing lessons with prefect Gianna Huckins (’26), worked out in the men’s and women’s exercise rooms, or swam in the pool. Others shot hoops on the indoor basketball court or stayed outdoors to play volleyball, Spike ball, and soccer under the sun, joined by prefects and Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’84)., the Summer Program chaplain. Those looking for a creative outlet found drawing and painting supplies in the art room, where they worked on some truly impressive pieces. Students hoping to show off their skills in different forms of art auditioned for this Saturday’s Open-Mic Night, where they will take to the stage to sing, play instruments, and recite poetry for an audience of their peers.

Photos: Recreation Period
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Throughout the afternoon, campus was filled with the sound of laughter, conversations, and shouts of encouragement as everyone made the most of the sunny summer day. The recreation period lasted until dinner time, when the programmers reunited in St. Joseph’s Commons for grilled chicken, pasta, and salad. After dinner, students went to Study Hall in St. Bernardine of Siena Library or in the classrooms in St. Gladys Hall. There they read through the first 25 chapters of Genesis, which they will discuss in today’s classes.

Photos: Study Hall
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Study Hall was followed by the nightly Rosary, after which the programmers gathered in the Fritz B. Burns Auditorium for a swing-dance lesson from Admissions Counselors Joe Guinee (’21) and Anna van Wijk (’24). On the last day of the program, students will attend a formal dance, where they will be able to take their newly learned skills to the dance floor. After all, since swing dances are a beloved tradition at TAC, the Summer Program wouldn’t be complete without giving the high schoolers a chance to experience a dance for themselves!

Photos: Dance Class
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During the lesson, the programmers first got used to keeping time with the music by clapping along to the beat, then learned the basic footwork for rock-step swing. Finally, they paired up to practice some of the spins and dips that make swing dancing so much fun. Partners whirled around the room, chatting together and laughing over mistakes. They will have plenty more opportunities to polish up their moves before next week’s dance.

When the lesson ended, the high schoolers returned to their residence halls for an early curfew — but there was still more fun to be had before the day was over! Both the men and the women prefects hosted dorm parties, where they feasted on snacks, played dodgeball, and broke open piñatas. In Sts. Peter and Paul Hall, the men competed in fierce games of tug of war and did the “Bring Sally Up” push-up challenge. In St. Monica Hall, there was a bonfire and s’mores, and the women blasted music for a dance party, singing along to the tunes at the top of their lungs.

The high schoolers cheered, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company until their parties came to an end. They then went to bed, tired out from a day full of work and play and ready to get some rest before today's exploration of Genesis. Be sure to check the Summer Program Blog later today to read more about their adventures in the classroom!