This evening holds much excitement in store, including a dance practice led by prefect Dan Selmeczy, as well as auditions for a short skit this weekend. Be sure to check back tomorrow morning!

Even after the spirited dorm parties and other activities of last night, a large number of students were again in the Chapel for this morning’s 7:15 Mass. After a short breakfast, everyone grabbed their books and went off to begin a third day of classes. While Monday’s and Tuesday’s classes were centered around Ancient Greek literature, today the focus shifted to Sacred Scripture, and discussions this morning concentrated on the first chapters of Genesis, in particular the Creation accounts and the fall of Adam.
“We dove into the topic of what makes good, good, and evil, evil, in respect to God saying that His creation was good,” relates Justin M. from Playa del Rey, California. Although this is Justin’s first encounter with the Discussion Method, he is already impressed by how effective the conversations can be. “If I participate, I can learn the material, not only by learning from others,” he says, “but by actually putting it into my own words and retaining that information.”
After class, students either attended Mass or had a short recreation period before enjoying a scrumptious lunch of burgers and fries. Today was also Summer Program attendee Joshua F’s 17th birthday, and everyone in the Commons sang him a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” and even a few rounds of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” Then it was back to class to continue the discussion of Genesis.