New England
Students adore the exposed Sacrament


Wednesday held many novel and marvelous experiences for the students on the 2021 New England High School Summer Program. At the conclusion of the day’s classes, the afternoon recreation period afforded attendees their choice of various sports, including volleyball, Frisbee, and Spikeball. Some chose instead to relax in the Tracy Student Center. The pool was also open, and many enjoyed a quick swim to cool off from the heat.


Students playing volleyball pause to smile at the camera


A delicious dinner of pork and mashed potatoes followed in Gould Commons. Then it was off to the library for the nightly study session. Students spent the time preparing a fascinating selection from Søren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling as well as Pascal’s famous “Wager” for today’s classes.

When they were finished, students made their way to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel to find all the candles lit and the monstrance set up on the altar. For close to an hour, the group adored Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. During this time, program Chaplain Rev. Miguel Batres, O.Praem. (’08) offered a moving reflection on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, asking those in the pews to consider the great love which God pours out to us and which we so often scorn in return. The Holy Rosary followed, and many took the opportunity to go to Confession. 

Students then gathered in Tracy Student Center to enjoy Shirley Temples, Roy Rogers, and many tasty snacks. The fun lasted all the way up until curfew. Back at the residence halls, prefects lit roaring bonfires, and there was even more good food and drink, as well as a little singing. 

Social Hour in Tracy

Today features a special talk on art and beauty in preparation for tomorrow’s live concert. More details to follow in this afternoon’s SummerBlog post!