Fr. Jorge cheers with other Argentina fans
Chaplain Rev. Jorge Jesus Lopez cheers with fellow Argentina fans in Loyola Hall


For the last month, as the World Cup has played out in Qatar, the global soccer tournament has captured the attention of a devoted group of students, faculty — and chaplains — at Thomas Aquinas College, California.

At off hours on campus, it has been a common sight to see groups of students crowding around computers in the mailroom, ready to erupt into cheers or outrage depending on how their game goes. Other have visited St. Ignatius of Loyola Hall, home of chaplain Rev. Jorge Jesus Lopez — a native of Argentina and a devoted futbol fan — to watch the games unfold.

During the United States’ World Cup run, many students found themselves first-time fans, rooting for their country’s unprecedented success. “It’s called soccer now,” one quipped after team Red, White & Blue tied England. Cheers would fill classrooms as students rushed back with a score report from the mailroom, everyone ready to hear how America’s own were faring.

Other groups formed around different teams, many identifying with those of their national heritage or home country, in the case international students. Fellow chaplains Rev. Robert Marczewski (Poland) and Rev. John Mary Chung (South Korea) got in on the excitement, leading for some tense moments when Fr. Jorge’s Argentina defeated Fr. Marczewski’s Poland at the end of November. Yet support for Argentina has extended beyond the College’s newest chaplain. Between Argentine students and tutor Dr. Brian Kelly, the blue-and-white stripes of the South American team have been visible everywhere on scarves, flags, and jerseys.

Alas, the semester has come to an end — just two days before the final match. In your charity, please say a prayer for Fr. Lopez, that he can peacefully accept the outcome, whatever it may be!