
Two weeks into the new academic year, the California campus took a pause Saturday to celebrate with games, food, and fellowship.

The day’s festivities began with a battle of the classes at an all-school tug-of-war! Following lunch, the four classes dispersed to prepare — Seniors (’24) donned black; Juniors (’25), red; Sophomores (’26), blue; and Freshmen (’27), green. The classes garnered spirit with chants and “war paint” as they processed to lower campus. Anticipation crackled at the sight of the rope, its center over a mud pit. The Senior Class especially surged with excitement, having won the tug-of-war the last three years running. Everyone wondered: Would they do it again? The Seniors chanted “four for four” against the good-natured banter of the other classes.

Photos: All-Campus BBQ
  • Tug o' war
  • Slip 'n' slide fun
  • The first to go down
  • A hoarde of men get in on the fun
  • trying to stand up in the suds
  • leading the charge
  • Now a group of girls all head down
  • Senior James Hirota rocekts down alone
  • Surfing down like a true Californian
  • A suave man goes down the slide
  • relaxing after the festivities with a good burger
  • Joking around a table
  • Enjoying some drinks
  • Smile for the camera!
  • talking

Teams assembled for three rounds of competition. Seniors dug in against the freshmen, the two classes heaving with all their might for a brief, intense moment until the Class of 2024 yanked the campus’s newcomers into the mud. The Classes of ’25 and ’26 then squared off, only for the juniors to stand tall while the blue sophomores spilled into the grass. In a final showdown, the upperclassmen brought every bit of strength they had and — with a final yank — the Class of 2024 backed up its boasts by winning the tug-of-war for the fourth year in the row!

All cheered and congratulated each other, and then the mud pit gave occasion to one last competition: a free-for-all with mud being slung across the green fairway! The masses soon shifted, however, to the ponds to rinse off.

Festivities reconvened on upper campus in front of St. Thérèse Hall, with a slip n’ slide laid out for everyone, including a few tutor families. Students laughed and cheered as they shot down the hill, coming up sudsy from the soapy water. Once all had their fill, students dried off and tidied up for a barbeque on the campus green, adjacent to St. Junipero Serra Hall and the St. Bernadine of Siena Library.

With tri-tip, chicken, sides, and dessert, all had a fair portion and ate to their fill, feasting with the excitement of a hungry Ancient Greek army. Games of volleyball and spikeball dotted the grass, as friends mingled well past sunset.