New England

In an exciting conclusion to TAC-New England’s indoor-volleyball season, a motivated team of students faced off last week against their tutors.

The tutors started the first match with a bang, quickly scoring the first three points and taking the lead. The students weren’t easily fazed, however, and caught up with a double spike by Eamonn O’Reilly (’24) and Sam Rust (’26). The score swung back and forth: One team gained a few points, only for the other to quickly catch up. Team captain Michael Dolcetti (’25) was very involved throughout the game, coaching and encouraging his teammates. His leadership paid off, with is team winning the first match and taking the lead at the beginning of the second. 

The second match was even closer than the first, with the tutors taking the winning point. For the tiebreaker match, Dolcetti’s team served first, scoring the first few points. However, the tutors were not to be outdone, and with an impressive spike from Dr. Cross, they took the lead. Dolcetti’s team tried for a comeback, but ultimately couldn’t beat the unstoppable tutor squad, who won the championship with a final score of 15–7.