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Although Thomas Aquinas College’s 2019 Alumni Day of Giving is far from over, alumni have already exceeded their fundraising goal for the day — twice.

Because the alumni so quickly surpassed last year’s goal of $10,000, College officials decided this year to seek $25,000 — an amount made possible by an anonymous benefactor’s matching gift. Yet halfway through the day, the alumni eclipsed even that loftier total, with more gifts still coming. Wanting to maintain the momentum, College Governor Thomas Krause and his wife, Cathryn, stepped forward with an additional $10,000 matching gift, raising the day’s goal to $35,000.

With just less than eight hours to go, alumni have shattered even that figure — donating an astonishing $42,135 thus far.

Rusty, in TAC t-shirt, holding sign that says
“What an amazing way to honor our patron saint on his feast day,” says Vice President for Development Paul J. O’Reilly (’84). “It truly heartening to see the way our alumni have contributed so generously, all day long.” Even the campus mascot, Rusty (right), is doing his part.

More than 400 alumni have contributed to this year’s Day of Giving. “And the day is not done yet!” says Dr. O’Reilly. “We may have met our matching gift, but we are seeking nothing less than full alumni participation, especially as we try to overtake Princeton to become, once again, the college where the highest percentage of alumni donate.”

Those who still wish to participate in the  2019 Alumni Day of Giving can do so via the form below. “To all who have given, thank you!” says Dr. O’Reilly. “And to those who have yet to make their gifts, please join us in this wonderful effort while there is still time.”

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