Ray Walshe
Ray Walshe

College students often approach graduation with trepidation about confronting “real world” financial concerns — such as bills, insurance, and investments — perhaps for the first time. To assuage any such anxieties, Ray Walshe — father of two alumni and a managing consultant at TÜV SÜD Global Risk Consultants — came to the California campus last week to talk to students about financial literacy, providing them with strategies and solutions to succeed in the years ahead.

“As a graduate of this school, recognize the value of your skill set that you have acquired over the four years,” Mr. Walshe said. “The fact is, TAC graduates can simply think better than other kids coming out of most other programs. [Employers] are looking for someone who can look them in the eye and hold a conversation.”

Over the course of his presentation, Mr. Walshe touched on several aspects of personal finance, drawing special attention to the dangers of incurring debt. Careful spending and a watchful eye on the bottom line will get students a long way, he advised, while also encouraging them to leverage opportunities such as 401Ks and Roth IRAs. By making prudent investments, he continued, alumni will enjoy greater freedom to take unconventional jobs, to pursue passions, and — most importantly — to give generously to those in need.

Wrapping up his talk, Mr. Walshe encouraged seniors as they prepared to join the workforce. “Know your value, coming from this school,” he said. “Don’t discount what you’re bringing to the table.”