A student, about to have blood drawn, gives the thumbs-up

With the arrival of Don Rags came the semi-annual blood drive Tuesday on Thomas Aquinas College’s California campus. Vitalant, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing blood to those in need, serviced students at a temporary clinic in St. Augustine Hall. Donors gave throughout the morning and early afternoon, some walking in, others scheduled. In gratitude for their donations, technicians gave students recovery refreshments and congratulatory t-shirts.

This year saw a variety of students donate, some new to the process; others, veterans. “I’d never donated before, and I want to help anyone I can,” said James Blewett (’24). “Knowing that your blood can, and probably will, help someone is a very pleasant feeling.” Another donor, Grace Miller (’24), agreed: “It’s just such an easy thing to do to help someone. If I can go spend half an hour sitting in a chair, and that could save someone’s life, there’s no reason not to!”

The nurse prepares a smiling student to have blood drawn