
Immediately after their afternoon classes concluded, the students of Thomas Aquinas College, California, hastened to their rooms, assembled their luggage, and gathered around the three charter buses that, as of this writing, are now carrying 140 young men and women 375 miles north to San Francisco for the annual Walk for Life West Coast.

Bus captains — student volunteers who coordinate with each other to ensure that everyone makes it to San Francisco and back — ran through their buses’ rosters. “This is my second time being a bus captain,” said Steven Argo (’24). “I really enjoyed it last time, being on the main crew. It’s an extra opportunity to make sure everyone enjoys themselves and has a good ride.”

Even more so, however, it is an opportunity for students — bus captains and ordinary attendees alike — to offer joyful witness to the Gospel of life. “I’m looking forward to the entire Walk for Life environment,” said Greg Roberts (’25). “It’s a great way to be reminded there’s a lot of important things outside our own lives, and it’s great to participate in the broader community for the cause.”

With everyone present and accounted for, Chaplain Rev. John Mary Chung offered a blessing for the travelers. He sprinkled them with holy water and exhorted them to remember, both on their journey and as witnesses in the streets of San Francisco, that “the Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want” (Psalm 23:1).