New England

After weeks of preliminary matches, two teams met Friday afternoon for the 2022 TAC-New England volleyball championship: a team of students, led by Lucca Almeida (’25), versus the infamously unbeatable tutor squad.

Each team prepared before the game began, practicing with teammates and stretching. Then, after Head Chaplain Rev. Greg Markey led them in prayer, the players volleyed for serve and began. The first point went to Team Almeida, with a skillful spike by Lucas Porto (’25). The tutors took note of their opponents’ talent and stepped up their game, winning the first set by a score of 25-16.

Once they switched sides, Mr. Almeida’s teammates decided it was time to turn things around and got their heads in the game. Though the tutors fought hard, they lost the second set by a score of 25-17, bringing the match to a tie.

The tiebreaking set was much shorter, with only 15 points needed for the win. Chaplain Rev. Carlos Viego gave the first serve, earning the tutors their first point. Team Almeida did its best to keep up, but the tutors played harder than ever, winning the final set by a devastating score of 15-9. The teams congratulated each other, shaking hands and marking a happy end to an eventful season.

“It was a good game,” said Bella Martinez (’26), member of Team Almeida team. “Even though we lost the whole thing, I’m glad we did win a set. Plus, we beat all the other teams, so I’d call that a win.”