New England


Once a semester at Thomas Aquinas College, students and faculty gather for the All-College Seminar, which brings together students from all classes in small groups to discuss a great book that is not part of the ordinary curriculum. The seminar allows the classes to get to know and learn from each other. 

The selected text for this semester’s All-College Seminar in New England was Shakespeare’s As You Like It, a comedy about a banished princess masquerading as a boy in order to test her lover’s devotion. “I love Shakespeare,” said Catherine Welter (’27). “I haven’t read any in a while, so I really enjoyed As You Like It!” 

Excited students raced up the steps of St. Gianna Molla Hall, chattering enthusiastically. Once they found their assigned sections, members of all classes tackled questions such as, “Why does Rosalind ask Orlando to woo her while in disguise?” and, “Why is the play titled As You Like It?”

“I love that we get to have class with tutors we wouldn’t have had otherwise,” said Gerald Faist (’27). Added freshman Luisa Germaque (’28), “It’s amazing to see the upperclassmen at work!”

Following the seminar, students and tutors headed to Bl. Frassatti Student center for pizza and continued conversation. “My section was super well-balanced,” said Michael Simia (’25). “We had a great seminar.”

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